Back in 2007, NATRUE was originally founded as an advocacy organisation. Since then, NATRUE has consistently played a key role in contributing and participating to the evolving regulatory framework that impacts the natural and organic cosmetics sector. NATRUE’s involvement spans files ranging from agricultural to cosmetics to consumer rights and protection, and so to facilitate transparency and demonstrate our commitment to the sector, NATRUE is proud to announce the launch of a new section on its website dedicated to showcasing its diverse and extensive policy contributions on behalf of the natural and organic sector of the cosmetics industry.

NATRUE closely collaborates with decision-makers and key stakeholders, both within European institutions and on the international stage, to ensure that policies are informed, balanced, and conducive to the growth of this dynamic industry. The newly launched section will serve as a comprehensive resource, providing insights into NATRUE’s active involvement in policy consultations, legislative developments, and industry discussions, and acts to complement the existing factsheets and position papers.

“In a rapidly evolving regulatory landscape for cosmetics, NATRUE remains steadfast in its commitment to promoting the highest standards of natural and organic cosmetics. Our policy contributions reflect our dedication to shaping regulations that safeguard the integrity of these products and empower consumers to make informed choices,” stated Dr. Mark Smith, NATRUE Director General.

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