True Stories

Prevent the formation of dental plaque and tartar: meet Birkengold

Maria Holzer, CEO of Birkengold
I studied nutritional sciences in Vienna, a beautiful city that I love. But during my student days I took every possibility to travel and study abroad, and therefore I spent half a year in New Zealand, three months in Mexico, more than a year in Spain, and one summer in Australia. In fact, travelling and getting to know new cultures is still one of my passions, that is one of the reasons I enjoy self-employment and working remotely a lot. During the last few years, I spent most of my time with our two girls (7 and 3 years old) and I found being a mum the most beautiful but also most challenging mission so far. When there are free moments I am never bored, I love yoga, hiking, climbing, music, and dancing… but most of all inspiring conversations.

NATRUE: When and why was Birkengold created?
Maria: A friend of mine brought xylitol back from a vacation in England, which she discovered there in a health food store. We were immediately enthusiastic about the taste of this natural sweetener sugar alternative. After careful research of all the studies we could find, we were also completely convinced of the health benefits of this substance.

When we told other friends and acquaintances about the positive properties of the product, we quickly realized that it was not only of interest to diabetics. And because we soon could no longer keep up with the orders for our circle of acquaintances, we decided that from now on the product should also be more easily accessible in Austria. The Birkengold idea was born.

NATRUE: What is xylitol and how is it used in your cosmetic formulas?
Maria: Birkengold® Xylitol is a natural sweetener, popular in Scandinavia since the 1970s due to its excellent qualities as a sugar substitute. Xylitol is traditionally made from birch and beech bark. It tastes and sweetens just like sugar, but it has 40 % less calories and is naturally sugar-free. Even though it might sound paradoxical it is scientifically proven: xylitol prevents tooth decay because the caries bacteria cannot feed on xylitol. Through creating an alkaline environment in the mouth, it prevents the formation of dental plaque and tartar. On the top of this, Xylitol stimulates salivation and counteracts bad breath, while facilitating tooth remineralization by actively supporting calcium absorption. This is the reason why xylitol is used in dental care products.

NATRUE: What makes your tooth powder special?
Maria: Our tooth powder is a healthy, sustainable, and effective dental care product that helps promote strong shiny teeth and healthy gums. Bikengold’s tooth powder does not contain foaming agents, preservatives and microplastics -as most toothpastes do.

The delicate mixture of calcium carbonate, Birkengold® Xylitol and organic essential oils gently clean your teeth, creating an alkaline environment that reduces the risk of enamel damage due to bacteria. Our toothpowder not only scores with the positive effect of xylitol on dental health, but is also free of foaming agents, preservatives, and microplastics. Thus, this product offers the ideal solution for all consumers who long for a natural and environmentally friendly alternative in dental care.

NATRUE: Why did you choose the NATRUE certification to your products?
Maria: Certifying all our products with NATRUE offers numerous advantages for consumers and businesses alike. It enhances consumer trust, promotes health and safety, demonstrates environmental responsibility, boosts market competitiveness, and ensures regulatory compliance. By embracing NATRUE, we align ourselves with evolving consumer preferences and contribute to a healthier, more sustainable future.

For more information about Birkengold, visit

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