True Stories

Protect your lips without having a negative impact on our planet is possible: meet The baumery

Simona Elisa Giarolo, founder & managing director of The baumery
I worked over 10 years in the cosmetics and retail industry and got really early a deep dive into the natural and organic cosmetic sector as a fast growing niche within the luxury and massage segment. During my time as Head of Marketing, Communications and Social Media at Douglas I created as first mover in the beauty retail industry in Europe numerous campaigns for clean and natural cosmetics. The goal was to increase consumers’ awareness about ingredients and sustainability. After that, I decided to create The baumery, the first pharma-organic lip care brand, created in Switzerland and produced in Germany.

NATRUE: When and why was your brand created?
Simona: The idea of the product concept was already born in 2015; however, I created the brand only 1 year ago (in 2022). In 2015 I had to do a retinoid acne cure while my lips got super dry. I tried out numerous medicated products, but all of them weren’t clean or natural. This lack of efficient natural lip balms led me to create my own brand.

NATRUE: What makes your lip balms special?
Simona: A successful beauty brand should not only pay attention to the aesthetic aspects of the products, but also to the quality of the ingredients and the impact on the environment. The baumery has a truly impressive philosophy, using only natural ingredients that improve skin care without having a negative impact on our planet.

Awareness of ingredients and its production is very important today and the baumery is setting a positive example for the beauty industry: my brand have an uncompromising performance and 100% pure ingredients, and those are the key characteristics of my modern beauty brand.

The brand born in a pharmacy but it is consciously natural. This combination is unique in lipcare, but necessary for the consumer. 100% performance and 100% natural.

NATRUE: You’re a lips expert. Can you please tell us some curiosities that we might don’t now?
Simona: Yes, sure!
– The lips are the body part with the second most neural relevance (after the hands).
– Healthy lips are important to 84.7% of women. Next to the eyes, it is the most important feature for people’s sense of beauty.
– Everyone lives 5 years longer if they kiss regularly.
– We eat up to 4 lipsticks a year just by licking our lips.

NATRUE: How is The baumery adapting to new trends and consumer demands in the natural and organic cosmetics sector?
Simona: We always want to offer our customers the best possible lip care and are therefore always on the lookout for new trends in the field of natural cosmetics. As a manufacturer of lip care products, we follow the latest care trends both in the natural segment and in the commercial mass market. We always strive to pick up on these trends and integrate them into our new products.

The first step is to create a detailed briefing. We adhere to the highest quality standards and only use natural and vegan ingredients that meet our high standards Nevertheless, we are flexible: if an ingredient is no longer classified as natural, we change or modify the recipe. Due to our small batch production, we are able to react quickly and effectively to changes and always keep our products up to date. We are convinced that this is the right way to a sustainable future.

NATRUE: What would you say to brands that want to join NATRUE?
Simona: NATRUE is a recognized and credible Standard for natural and organic cosmetics that is recognized globally. NATRUE’s goals are to promote and protect natural cosmetic products that contain only natural and organic ingredients and offer a high level of transparency to the end consumer.

The NATRUE certification shows the consumer that the product has not only been produced in an environmentally friendly and ethical manner but is also free from harmful chemicals (for example, silicones, parabens, microplastics or mineral oils are not permitted). This can inspire trust and loyalty with an ever-growing demographic of environmentally conscious consumer.

So, if your beauty brand cares about sustainable and environmentally conscious values, then NATRUE is definitely the right certification you should achieve.

For more information about the baumery, visit

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