True Stories

A brand born from a passion for the cosmetics industry: meet Kluge Beauty Organic

Nadine Kluge, Founder & CEO
My name is Nadine Kluge and I’m the founder and CEO of Kluge Vision and the Skin Care Brand Kluge Beauty Organic, which name was inspired by my last name “Kluge” with means “smart” in German. I am a state-certified Beautician and Make-up Artist with 24 years of experience in the beauty industry. During all these years I have been able to learn a lot about the possibilities of an effective skin care routine and realized that nature has given us so many beautiful things that we can use for our own benefit. In my free time I love capturing the beauty of every person. My absolute passion is photography and in the last few months I have discovered a love for voice building. To see what is possible when you train your voice is really fascinating!

NATRUE: When and why was your Kluge Vision’s created?
Nadine: My childhood dream was to have my own brand and create my own skin care line. The years passed by and 2 years ago I turned 40, so I asked myself when the right time would be right. And I realised: If I don’t do it now, then probably never. So a new vision was born: my Kluge Vision. I wanted to launch a line that helps others achieve beautiful skin with 100% of the wonderful benefits of nature and an extraordinary design that radiates pure joy of life. Since then, Kluge Beauty Organic products have found many new satisfied customers with amazing results on their skin, and the company is growing steadily.

NATRUE: What makes your skin-care products special?
Nadine: I think the first thing you notice is the packaging and the design. It was important to me that each product tells its own story and has a special name. Our “Pure Skin Mojo Cleanser” has a picture of a Mojito on the packaging. According to one story, the term mojito is said to be derived from the West African word mojo, as a cute form of this word mojito would also mean “little magic”.

The deeper meaning of our “Tiki Garden Prebiotic Balance Cream” is the garden of life! In Polynesian culture, tiki represents the connection between man and nature, between heaven and earth, and symbolises creation and life itself.

NATRUE: Could you give me some tips for applying makeup?
Nadine: For me, optimal basic skin care under your daily make-up is still a game changer. When the skin is optimally supplied with everything it needs, the make-up evens out and lasts longer. My absolute favourite hack is to mix Vitamin C+ Cocktail Serum with my foundation. Then, I don’t need any concealer under my eyes and my skin has a natural glow.

NATRUE: What is your star ingredient? Why is it good?
Nadine: Our latest highlight is our Tiki Garden Prebiotic Balance Cream. As the name suggests, it is enriched with prebiotic and probiotic ingredients that immediately improve skin resilience and well-being. A pure wellness concentrate based on the latest skin research! What makes me particularly proud is, it is completely water-free.

NATRUE: What would you say to brands that want to join NATRUE?
Nadine: NATRUE was my first choice. After dealing extensively with certifications, it quickly became clear to me that NATRUE not only offers me security as a brand owner, but also shows my customers that they can completely rely on us to get 100% natural cosmetics from Kluge Beauty Organic.

For more information about Kluge Vision, visit

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