I fact-sheets di NATRUE sono documenti chiari e facile da leggere su termi specifici di interesse per il pubblico e per la stampa. A differenza dei position papers, fact-sheets affrontano argomenti “statici” e non sono quindi soggetti a aggiornamenti periodici.

Hai qualche altra domanda? Controlla la nostra pagina delle domande frequenti (FAQ).

Fact Sheets


I position papers di NATRUE sono documenti che informano sulla politica di NATRUE verso un argomento specifico ad espressione della posizione comune espressa dai soci in un determinato momento. La Segretaria NATRUE sviluppa questi documenti in stretta collaborazione con i gruppi di lavoro NATRUE (RSWG, CWG, PAWG) e aggiorna regolarmente con diversi numeri di versione, in base alle evoluzioni necessarie.

Position Papers


NATRUE partecipa attivamente e contribuisce al quadro normativo emergente e in continua evoluzione che riguarda i cosmetici naturali e biologici. Lavoriamo a stretto contatto con i decisori e gli stakeholder delle istituzioni europee e degli organismi internazionali (NATRUE ha un proprio numero di registro per la trasparenza nell’UE, 75060586073-86). I contributi di NATRUE alle consultazioni politiche sono illustrati di seguito.

Joint industry call for a digital transition for consumer information
September 2024
Joint industry statement for an effective framework under the Green Claims Directive
June 2024
Joint Industry statement: Call for the adoption of a practical framework for the Green Claims Directive
May 2024
Joint letter in reference to the ban of green claims for products containing hazardous substances
January 2024
Joint letter: Banning green claims on products containing certain substances can hinder innovation and progress in sustainability
November 2023
Legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques
November 2023
Environmental performance of products & businesses – substantiating claims
July 2023
Guides for the Use of Environmental Marketing Claims – Federal Trade Commission USA
May 2023
Call for safeguarding the internal Market legal basis of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation
April 2023
Call for digital solutions for product information – Joint Letter to the European Commission
March 2023
Legislation for plants produced by certain new genomic techniques
April-May 2022
Open letter to the UK’s Government about neonics
March 2022
Chemicals legislation – revision of REACH Regulation to help achieve a toxic-free environment
January-April 2022
EU chemicals strategy for sustainability – Cosmetic Products Regulation (revision)
October 2021
Working together to ensure a smart transition towards digital product information to consumers – Joint letter to the European Commission
July 2021
The classification of “More than one constituent substances” (MOCS) under the CLP regulation
January 2021
NATRUE comment to Public consultation on a potential legislative proposal on substantiating green claims
December 2020
NATRUE supports product information digitalisation – Joint letter to the European Commission
March 2020
Labelling fragrance allergens
Towards an EU Product Policy Framework contributing to the Circular Economy
NATRUE Comments on the Public consultation on fragrance allergens in the framework of Regulations (EC) No. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and the Council on cosmetic products