As part of our commitment to promote sustainable natural and organic cosmetics, NATRUE has become a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), whose environmental and social criteria help to minimise the negative impact of palm oil cultivation both on the environment and communities in regions where palm is cultivated.

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important aspect for conscious consumers looking for cosmetic products that align with their ethics and values. While aspects such as quality and efficacy are still relevant for many consumers, purchase decisions are being increasingly influenced by other factors such as the recyclability or reusability of product packaging and the impact of ingredient sourcing and end-use on the environment.

More information and clearer substantiation culminating in greater product transparency are also key to meeting these developing consumer expectations. When it comes to ingredient traceability, new digital tools, such as tracking and blockchain systems, have been developed to support transparency and clarity across the whole supply chain of a product. Brands committed to supporting the economic development of small communities, by approaching the production of their products in a fair and ethical way, can also use such tools to contribute to their sustainability best practices. For example, systems such as RSPO PalmTrace provide detailed information about the physical sales and processing activities of palm oil of certified members of RSPO, which contributes to making the production and post-production process more transparent.

Dr. Hana Mušinović, NATRUE’s Regulatory and Scientific Manager, has recently collaborated with the RSPO in a joint presentation about the opportunities and benefits of sustainable palm oil in the cosmetic industry during VIVANESS 2020.  Dr. Mušinović celebrated the news about NATRUE’s membership to RSPO and commented: “NATRUE is committed to keep strengthening its sustainability profile and keep engaging with like-minded organisations and international projects. We truly believe the work and targets RSPO has set itself are aligned with our own, and we feel privileged to be part of its membership. NATRUE encourages its members and label users to use RSPO certified Palm Oil when formulating their finished cosmetic products and to keep promoting its sustainable sourcing. RSPO membership offers us valuable ways to keep up-to-date on the progress made when it comes to preserving palm oil resources, and raises awareness among our members, and within, the natural cosmetic sector, of the importance to alleviate environmental pressure when it comes to the sourcing of palm”.

The International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association (NATRUE) is a member of RSPO.
Licence number: 8-0239-20-100-00

You can find more information on the RSPO here.