Today, Wednesday 8th March, is International Women’s Day. NATRUE wants to give a voice to five amazing women who work behind some NATRUE certified brands. Our interviewees come from Albania, Germany, Greece, Slovenia and Switzerland, and all of them are incredible women who inspire, influence and share NATRUE’s common goal: to protect and promote natural and organic cosmetics to the benefit of consumers worldwide. Let’s hear their voices!

From Albania:
LINDITA VRUSHI – Nenna Manufactory: Lindita Vrushi has produced extracts from medicinal plants since 2009 in her first laboratory. It then expanded by experimenting with producing several skin care products such as soap, balms, and nourishing products for skin and hair. Esencial and Nenna Manufactory are two companies run by her. The first produces supercritical CO2 extracts from plants, and the other makes skin care products.

  • Why are natural and organic cosmetics (NOC) important for you?: For me, natural and organic cosmetics are the safest for skin health. There is something so interesting in the reactions of our skin to non-natural chemical substances. In some cases, it becomes red, overcome by an allergic reaction, it might sting, and in the worst case, it becomes inflamed. In fact, our skin is very intelligent and feels calm and healthy with natural and organic cosmetic products.
  • Favorite hobby: Since I was little, I have been very connected to the sea, and what I like to do the most is swimming.
  • A NOC industry challenge for the coming years: Natural products without water. These products are food for the skin and safe from contamination by environmental agents. These products will also help in the protection of natural water deposits.
  • Your favorite cosmetic product: At Nenna Manufactory, we have many products, but my favorite is baby diaper balm. It ensures calm skin in newborn babies. Also, during the teething period, babies’ skin gets irritated. So in that instance, our balm avoids 100% damage to the skin.
  • One book/song that inspires you written by a woman: “The Shoemaker’s Wife” written by Adriana Trigiani. It portrays the times, places, and people who characterized the immigration experience, seeking their share of the American dream with will and ambition. It is an epic historical description of love and family, war and loss, danger and fate, inspired by family history and fueled by love and respect for tradition. / My favorite song is “Mama” by the Spice Girls.
  • What makes you laugh the most? The behavior of little children.
  • You can’t live without…: working every day and knowing that my son, wherever he is, is safe and well.
  • One thing that inspires you: Sunrise and sunset every day.

From Germany:
INEZ LINKE – oceanwell: Dr. Inez Linke is co-founder and managing partner of oceanBASIS GmbH in Kiel, which was founded in 2001. The company specializes in making active ingredients from the ocean available for health and beauty, while protecting and preserving the marine ecosystem. Together with her team, the marine biologist developed and launched the maritime natural cosmetics brand Oceanwell.

  • Why are natural and organic cosmetics (NOC) important for you?: Certified natural cosmetics are so important because they avoid critical substances such as microplastics. In addition, the valuable active ingredients are mainly from sustainable or even organic cultivation. The companies behind the natural cosmetics brands not only use good environmentally friendly raw materials that protect the environment, but often also act in a socially sustainable manner. Natural cosmetics make the world a little better!
  • Favorite hobby: Yoga and Jogging along the coastline.
  • A NOC industry challenge for the coming years: It’s definitely the packaging. We should do everything in our power to reduce packaging and find eco-friendly packaging solutions.
  • Your favorite cosmetic product: Oceanwell Activating Ocean Gel with sugar kelp extract and natural seawater with protecting and moisturizing effect.
  • One book/song that inspires you, written by a woman: “Das Geisterhaus” written by Isabel Allende.
  • What makes you laugh the most? Mini-pigs hunting each other.
  • You can’t live without…: being at the ocean every day!
  • One thing that inspires you: being in the nature.

From Greece:
LIANA TSORMPATZIDOU – Timalfes: Liana is from Greece. She loves nature and feels very proud about what she has accomplished. She uses her ability to mix plants and potions with love and intuition to empower women’s beauty! Furthermore, she is a cosmetologist, mother of four, and cancer survivor who’s inspiring others to never give up!

  • Why are natural and organic cosmetics (NOC) important for you?: I create products from selected natural and organic raw materials, inspired by the needs of myself and my 4 daughters. I am happy to share these products with people who have the same concerns as me.
  • Favorite hobby: Walks in the forest for inspiration and my soul’s rejuvenation.
  • A NOC industry challenge for the coming years: Humanity’s shift towards nature and a more natural way of life. The signs of climate change have been extreme in recent years, and we need to focus our attention there.
  • Your favorite cosmetic product: Definitely the Timalfes’ 24h Face & Eyes Serum Dry Oil, because it is a multi-functional product that perfectly meets the needs of every skin.
  • One book/song that inspires you written by a woman: “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou.
  • What makes you laugh the most? Funny videos with animals and children.
  • You can’t live without…: Travel, for sure.
  • One thing that inspires you: The awareness of the power of the human mind and the fact that we can achieve anything if we truly desire it.

From Slovakia:
BARBARA NOVAK – Hemptouch: Barbara Novak is Head of Development at Hemptouch company. A certified aromatherapist with over 17 years of experience in the cosmetics industry, she is especially passionate about green beauty, and a holistic approach to well-being. »The thing that I love the most at my work is, that through Hemptouch products I can literally transform customer’s lives for the better.

  • Why are natural and organic cosmetics (NOC) important for you?: Natural cosmetics simply make me happy. They are not only kind to the skin and the planet but also very effective and pampering to all of our senses. NOC are so much more than just cosmetics; they waft a breeze of unspoilt nature into your daily self-care that follows the principles of respect for nature.
  • Favorite hobby: Aromatherapy
  • A NOC industry challenge for the coming years: To curb the power of misleading marketing – True honesty of marketing, without misleading and cleanwashing. Transparency and sustainability in all forms and ways – locally sourced ingredients that deliver results, not just sales.
  • Your favorite cosmetic product: Absolutely Hemptouch! It has all that I wish for my skin.
  • One book/song that inspires you, written by a woman: “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle.
  • What makes you laugh the most? My husband.
  • You can’t live without…: My family (including pets) and long forest walks.
  • One thing that inspires you: the incredible intelligence of Nature. 

From Switzerland:
URSULA GIGLIOTTI – Babyduft: Ursula is the founder and managing director at GIGLI NATURA GmbH. She is Swiss and has developed her own natural skincare brand BABYDUFT 4 years ago. Ursula is a passionate aromatherapist, and her goal is to inspire moms all over the world to come back to nature and use natural products for their children.

  • Why are natural and organic cosmetics (NOC) important for you?: I produce aromatherapy for babies and children, so for me, the most important is that ingredients must be biological and good for body and soul and also for the environment! For 35 years I’ve been using natural skincare, so without no doubts my own BABYDUFT line is all natural. BABYDUFT has been developed to help children process the many impressions, to relax and provide for a peaceful sleep. This I can reach only with the power and benefit of plants.
  • Favourite hobby: one year ago, I started rowing in a Club and I love it. It has something meditative when you are in the flow surrounded by an amazing nature.
  • A NOC industry challenge for the coming years: It’s definitely the packaging. We should do everything which is in our power to reduce packaging and find ecofriendly packaging solutions.
  • Your favorite cosmetic product: Besides my own products, I am in love with the Dr. Hauschka’s products and one of my favorite is the quince cream. Although at my age it’s recommended to use another cream, I love the smell and the feeling on my skin.
  • One book/song that inspires you written by a woman: I love the books of Olga Grjasnowa, especially her award-winning debut: “All Russians love birch trees”. Olga has a unique gift for seeing the funny side of even the most tragic situations. With cool irony, she tells the story of the young immigrant Masha.
  • What makes you laugh the most? My daughter! With her 10 years, she has already such a good sense of humor that I have the feeling she will be a comedian one day.
  • You can’t live without…: My Oolong tea, I just love it! When I wake up in the morning, I am already thinking I will drink a nice cup of tea. It gives me strength and hydration. And I believe that it has a great impact on my skin.
  • One thing that inspires you: Currently, I am listening to a lot of podcasts, especially about personality development. I love for example Laura Malina Seiler’s podcast. I love her sensitivity, but also sometimes the “kick in the ass” that I need as a businesswoman.

 Happy Women’s International Day to everyone!

Download the press release here.