In May, NATRUE published its Technical Guidance Document (the Guide) to the NATRUE Label criteria. The Guide refers to the grandfathering rule. At NATRUE we strive to make the label scheme process as seamless as possible, and so we have produced an infographic to visually support the wording in the Guide.

Key messages:

  • All existing products notified to the NATRUE Approved Certifier (NAC) before 01 July 2024 will be automatically grandfathered.
    • This means that if a compliant formulation of the certified cosmetic product remains unchanged, not all raw materials need to be approved or certified for it to be re-certified.
  • However, all new and reformulated products entering the Scheme from 01 July 2024 must include only NATRUE approved/certified raw materials.

We encourage you to review the updated the Guide to ensure you are fully informed. The Guide is a living document. The latest version is found on the NATRUE website, here, and the date of the latest update is also indicated.

To ensure consistency and clarity with the text in the Guide, we have updated the transitional timeline to clearly illustrate these changes:

More updates
In the June update, we have included an update to the Solvent Inventory table for natural substances’ extraction, with more substances now included. Please refer to pages 10-11 for details.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Viktoria Potko at

Thank you for your continued trust!