NATRUE recently showcased its commitment to promoting natural and organic beauty products at NATEXPO 2023, the international trade show for organic products that took place from 22nd to 24th October in Paris (France). Returning with a flourish, NATRUE once again teamed up with Beauty Garden, a NATRUE-certified brand whose ingredients proudly sprout from their very own garden. At the heart of this partnership, we offered visitors the opportunity to learn more about NATRUE’s certification process and benefits while enjoying Beauty Garden’s showcase of organic cosmetics elegantly packaged with sustainability in mind.

The NATEXPO stage played host to over 18,000 professionals over the three days of the show. With more than 2000 brands coming from 23 countries, including Italy, Belgium and Germany, the air was charged with innovation and new ideas. Moreover, the event offered 8 thematic forums to host 200 conferences and presentations, where brands, manufacturers and suppliers had the opportunity to unveil the latest trends and global perspectives in the industry.

In the realm of exclusive conferences, NATRUE took the spotlight alongside Weleda France and Mishki Peru, both dedicated to the values championed by NATRUE. Entitled The future of cosmetics: Sustainable solutions for a changing word, Paula Gómez de Tejada, NATRUE Communications Officer, together with Camille Ott, Responsible Digital and Communication at Weleda France and Valérie Barbier, General Manager of Mishki Peru, addressed global beauty trends and sustainable practices that will define the cosmetics industry’s future.

NATRUE provided expert insights into the latest global trends in the natural and organic beauty sector, shedding light on how conscious consumer choices are reshaping the beauty industry. Subsequently, Camille shared Weleda France’s journey and their commitment to sustainability providing a first-hand account of how consumers perceive and support the brand. Valérie, on the other hand, delved into Mishki’s journey, explaining how their products are produced with profound respect for the planet and the Peruvian communities.

New trends seen at the show:
At NATEXPO 2023, visitors had the chance to look at exciting new trends in cosmetics:

  • Refillable products: a rising consumer favourite choice. The refill concept gained unstoppable momentum, aligning perfectly with sustainability goals.
  • Vegetal hair colours: emphasizing natural ingredients in hair care products.
  • Circular economy in packaging: a growing movement striving to actively contribute to the circular economy through packaging, maximising use while minimising environmental impact. This wave promoted (even more) solids and water-free products (in all sectors) and introduced a wave of experiences based on the principle of dilution.
  • Pump solutions: a response to the call for sustainable packaging, presenting solutions equipped with pumps that not only contributes to a sustainable packaging but also ease consumer application.
  • Natural soaps: as timeless as nature itself, natural soaps continue to shine brightly. The latest interest centres around soaps enriched with olive oil.
  • Organic, beyond cosmetics: the organic revolution transcends cosmetics and food, reaching into the realms of farming, the environment and the sustainability of society. Consumers, with an increasingly profound understanding of our planet’s situation, are diving a shift in attitudes and buying behaviour that follows must be at the centre of the strategy to be adopted by all players to (re)conquer the organic market.

In the heart of Paris, NATEXPO 2023 was an event that helped everyone to get insights from what we expect in the future, while highlighting the current general commitment to sustainability.

Thanks to all of you who came visit us!